General Enterprise
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Entry Level -
1 year -
Start Date
September 2025 -
City College Norwich campus -
Course Code
What You Will Study
This course introduces students to the concept of employment. It supports students to recognise and begin to develop real the life skills they will need, to equip them for the wider world, whether that includes work or not. Skills that are focused on include:
Employability skills
Vocational skills
Confidence building
Communication skills
Functional skills in English and Maths
There is a focus on employability skills but these will be general, for example, working with others, problem solving, decision making and meeting deadlines. These are all transferable skills within the world of work or elsewhere.
Students on the course currently take part in mini enterprises such as, preparing and delivering veg bags/fruit bowls for staff, and creating different types of flower arrangements as requested.
Appropriate levels of support will be in place but progressively we will work throughout the year to enable students to become more independent and confident and work towards achieving realistic targets.
Students attend College for three days each week, 9am - 4pm. Group sizes are normally limited to eight students.
Why Choose City College Norwich?
Specialist facilities
We have purpose built facilities for our inclusive learning students, including our purpose build Rug Room for students with Autistic Spectrum disorders, and our PAL building, for students who are preparing for adult life.
A centre for excellence
The Education and Training Foundation (ETF) has named City College Norwich as one of three Centres for Excellence in SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) in England
Bespoke programmes
Our Inclusive Learning courses help you to progress to your next step through our bespoke group programmes delivered by a team of dedicated staff
Entry Requirements
There are no formal entry requirements for this course and acceptance will be subject to an interview.
How You Will Be Assessed
Assessment is informal and ongoing. There is a possibility that students will take qualifications in Functional Skills in Maths and English. Assessment will take the form of a short test. Students can also complete an Enterprise qualification.
Course Progression
Students may stay within Inclusive Learning and progress to one of Enterprise courses. We would also support students in progression to other provision or to services outside college.
Where Your Course Can Take You
Students may progress to MINT which offers support through job searching and coaching to allow students with a barrier to employment to progress into the world of work. Students should have completed a work-placement prior to being referred.
Students will need to have successfully applied for and received funding.
Why Choose City College Norwich?
Specialist facilities
We have purpose built facilities for our inclusive learning students, including our purpose build Rug Room for students with Autistic Spectrum disorders, and our PAL building, for students who are preparing for adult life.
A centre for excellence
The Education and Training Foundation (ETF) has named City College Norwich as one of three Centres for Excellence in SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) in England
Bespoke programmes
Our Inclusive Learning courses help you to progress to your next step through our bespoke group programmes delivered by a team of dedicated staff
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