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An Introduction to Screenwriting

  • O


  • Venue
    CCN-Main Campus

  • Course Code


We will actively encourage supportive collaboration with fellow students through readings
and shared work.

  • Week One: What’s the Story? An introduction to what a screenplay is, including how to find your initial concept. To include an idea?? on session, in which students get to pitch any ideas they want to share.
  • Week Two: Traps and How to Use Them. A breakdown of the who, where, what, when and how of storytelling.
  • Week Three: Why Would You Do That, Larry? Looking at character motivation, in relation to how we drive a story forward.
  • Week Four: The Benefits of Good Structure. An insight into the three act structure and how to use expectations of it to your advantage.
  • Week Five: Steal Like an Artist. How to find your own voice through the things you love. Discover what works for you.
  • Week Six: Time to Write. The final session will look book on everything we’ve learned. It will also offer tips on how to keep your writing going and we’ll try to answer the important question of “why” we write.

One session each week on a Tuesday, 6-8 pm.

Entry Requirements

This beginners course will introduce writers to the importance of a screenplay and show where it Its in the industry timeline. We’ll journey from conception to scene breakdown to first draft to rewrite, with the aim to have students deliver their own short film screenplay by the end of the course.

Learning Outcomes

We’ll journey from conception to scene breakdown to first draft to rewrite, with the aim to have students deliver their own short film screenplay by the end of the course.



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