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Improve your Photography Course - Intermediate Level

  • E

    Entry Level

  • Venue
    CCN-Main Campus

  • Course Code


Do you find that the photos you took of an amazing moment, haven't lived up to your expectations? This course is for those that have been taking photos for a little while but are still not getting the end results they would like. On this course, you will master settings in your camera and make the most of your images in post-production in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop on the computer.
On this course you will learn:
Wk 1 - Understanding which areas need improvement - you will be required to bring in some of your images (favourite photos and shots that didn't quite capture the moment) so the needs of the group can be ascertained and the issues you want help with can be addressed. The importance of shooting RAW instead of JPG. An introduction to the basics of Adobe Lightroom will be explored
Wk2 - Workflow - How to use a system that streamlines your image processing workflow, file management to make your archive intuitive, many tips that help for smooth editing
Wk3 - Camera and gear tips and tricks - Most cameras have multi-layered menu systems. These pro tips will give you an insight into managing menus and buttons on your camera
Wk4 - Making light work for you - Whatever your preferred genre of photography, preparation for the shoot is key, this session gives advice for getting ready for successful shoots
Wk5 - Processing with Lightroom - Mastering Lightroom is not only key to getting the best from your images but can save a lot of time, compared to using other platforms

Course details - Wednesdays 6-8.30
You will need to bring a USB drive with five of your best images and five of the shots they want to improve or disappointed by

Entry Requirements




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