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Introduction to Philosophy - £85

  • E

    Entry Level

  • Start Date
    Thursday 8th May 2025

  • Venue
    City College Norwich campus

  • Course Code

Start Date

  • Thursday 8th May 2025, Part Time, Night

What You Will Study

Do you often find yourself asking the ‘Big Questions’ about life? If so, it might be that you are a philosopher without even realising it!

In this course, we will introduce philosophy by exploring one of those big questions: what is the good life? This broad question, central to the Ancient Greeks, still resonates today with more and more opinions piling in about how to live a longer, more just, healthy and productive life.

This course will take none of those answers for granted and will instead critically explore this question, weighing up different responses and encourage learners to explore how great thinkers from the past would approach it. As part of this, we will study two of the most important, yet accessible texts in the history of philosophy: Plato’s Apology and Crito.

Why Choose City College Norwich?

Specialist teaching staff

Our courses are delivered by in-house expert teaching staff and external specialists

Industry standard facilities

Courses are held at our Ipswich Road campus, ensuring you have access to our cutting edge college facilities

A wide range of courses

We offer a wide range of part time and evening courses

Entry Requirements

  • Desire to read classic philosophical texts

  • Tolerance of viewpoints different to your own

  • Desire to learn how to think critically

How You Will Be Assessed




Book Online for Introduction to Philosophy

Why Choose City College Norwich?

Specialist teaching staff

Our courses are delivered by in-house expert teaching staff and external specialists

Industry standard facilities

Courses are held at our Ipswich Road campus, ensuring you have access to our cutting edge college facilities

A wide range of courses

We offer a wide range of part time and evening courses