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City College Norwich Corporation and Governance

The governing body of the College is known as the City College Norwich Corporation.

The Corporation of the College is an independent legal body which comprises up to seventeen members who are drawn mainly from business and the local community as well as from the staff and students at the College.

The Principal serves as a Governor, whilst the staff and student governors are elected by their respective bodies.

What does the City College Norwich Corporation do?

The role of the Corporation is to set the strategic direction and framework within which the College operates, monitor results, and support the College to provide a high quality and effective learning experience for everyone who attends the College.

The Corporation, which is not directly involved in the day-to-day management of the College, has six principal responsibilities:

  • to determine the educational mission and character of the College;
  • to approve the quality strategy;
  • to be satisfied as to the effective and efficient use of resources;
  • to approve the annual budget;
  • to appoint the Principal and determine their pay and conditions;
  • to set the framework for pay and conditions of service for all other staff


The full Corporation meets twice a term but much important work is carried out by its committees, which comprise of up to six members and meet at least once a term.

The committees for the 2024/25 academic year are:

  • Audit and Risk Committee (At least once a term)
  • Business Committee (At least twice a term)
  • Curriculum and Quality Committee (At least twice a term)
  • Remuneration and Governance Committee (At least once a term)

The College publishes approved minutes of the Corporation and its committees, along with other documents on this website.

Contact the City College Norwich Corporation

Please contact the Governance and Legal department on 01603 773372 or email using the form below.