Special Educational Needs and Local Offer
City College Norwich is passionate about supporting students with learning disabilities and/or difficulties.
Our aim is to ensure young people have information and support to enable participation and to assist in achieving the best possible education outcomes.
Curriculum Services will assess special educational needs to understand the learning disability or difficulty which requires special education provision to be made for a young person.
Special education provision means educational provision that is additional to or different from that made generally for others of the same age.
Special Educational Needs Support
On course support
In class support can be one-to-one, where a member of Curriculum Services supports you on an individual basis in class.
Shared support where a staff member supports you and others in the class
Discreet support where you might not want everyone to know and our support staff can help you without it being obvious.
Off course support
Off course support to help with your course work, homework, supporting you at lunchtime or taking you to your taxi and personal care.
Staying safe online
We help all our students understand how to use online resources safely and how to avoid danger. Watch our interactive presentation here.
Specialist Special Educational Needs staff
Our specialist staff are experts in:
Autism, ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Emotional Behavioural Difficulty, Hearing Impairment, Mental Health, Physical Disability, Severe Learning Difficulty, Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties, Complex Needs and Visual Impairment.
Specialist Educational Services at City College Norwich
- Specific Learning Disability team (SpLD)
- Speech and Language Therapist (SaLT)
- Assistive Technology (A full list can be provided)
- RUG room for ASD students
- Sensory room
All special educational support is dependent on assessment criteria and funding conditions being met.
How do I get Specialist Educational support?
Curriculum Services aims to support you to reach your full potential and achieve your goals.
We strive to support you in becoming an independent learner and we can adapt the support you need as your learning progresses.
Support on application
When you tick any of the boxes on the application form disclosing a disability or difficulty, we will discuss what level and type of support would be good for you.
Education Health and Care Plan
If you have an Education Health Care Plan, please share this with us to help plan your support needs. You can email this to SEN@ccn.ac.uk or bring it to reception for the Curriculum Services team.
Tell Curriculum Services about your needs as soon as possible so we can plan your support and secure the funding from the local authority. Without this you may not be able to access support.
To find out more about the support available to students, please contact our Curriculum Services team on 01603 773241 or email SEN@ccn.ac.uk
Transition to college life
Preparing for adulthood and starting at City College Norwich might be a bit of a worry, so you can request a guided tour to come and look around to gain an insight into college. It will also give you a chance to ask any questions you may have about the college.
Enjoy more of our state of the art campus by viewing our virtual tour here.
Travel Independence Training across Norfolk
We have partnered with Norfolk County Council's TITAN (Travel Independence Training across Norfolk) team and are currently delivering the Ready to Go! travel training programme to our students. TITAN offers young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) support to help them to become confidence independent travellers. The Ready to Go! programme is a flexible framework for students from Year 7 onwards and teaches six core modules:
- Pedestrian skills
- Communication skills
- Personal health, safety and wellbeing
- Problem-solving skills
- Journey planning skills
- Journey practice skills
The skills that the TITAN training provides have a holistic, positive impact across the whole of the young person's life. Once completed, TITAN can support our students to transition to independently travelling to and from school or college, where appropriate.
Local First Inclusion Statement
City College Norwich is a varied post-16 setting therefore we cannot universally offer small group sizes in cross college provision.
One-to-one support is generally not provided to encourage independence.
One-to-one teaching is not universally available.
Laptops are not considered standard post-16 equipment and will only be provided if there is a need for specialist software to meet the needs of the young person on their college course.
City College Norwich does not universally offer specific individual intervention programmes/ therapies /small group social skills classes.
City College Norwich does not offer online or remote learning.
Daily/weekly Specific Learning Difference sessions are not available, however we can support students in class and via off-course support to develop their skills.
Staff at City College Norwich are not trained in CBT, however, we can refer students to our wellbeing support.
Most rooms are fully accessible without stairs; however, a few are not and, some facilities are not able to be reallocated to a ground floor. This will need to be considered when applying for a specific course.
City College Norwich will, with best endeavours:
support students with confidence building, social and communication skills, emotional regulation etc.
support students as appropriate to the needs of the individual and the course they are studying.
Our expectation is that a young person:
applies to the college to help us gauge the area of interest (sector/ course and level - help with understanding ability)
enrolling at City College Norwich has an updated Annual Review completed by the local authority or previous provider.